Annalisa Chiocchetti

Annalisa Chiocchetti


The activity will be divided in two days; the first will consist of a frontal lesson in which the current evidence about the role of nutrition and microbiota modification in autoimmune disease onset will be explored.  Subsequently, a practical activity (that will be split in the two days) regarding food frequency questionnaires will be proposed.

During the second day, a brief lesson about the available instruments (databases, questionnaires, diaries, 24h recall) to perform nutritional studies will be provided, to achieve a critical overview about their strengths and limitations. The second day will be concluded with the last part of the practical activity regarding food frequency questionnaires.

Date: 16-30 novembre pomeriggio

CFU: 1


10 novembre, Giornata IRCAD 2018: alimentazione e salute: dal campo al letto del paziente passando per il CAAD.
